The ISISLab laboratory ( of the Department of Computer Science ( of University of Salerno (Italy), since 1995 deals with three research topics: Distributed and Parallel Computations (Cloud and Edge Computing, Massive simulations, Parallel algorithms and architectures), Collaborative and Social Calculation (Co-creation of Open Data, Collaborative design, Synchronous and co-located collaboration, Privacy, Adaptive and customized systems) and Visualization and Interaction (Scalable Display, Virtual Reality Applications, Innovative interfaces) During last 25 years, we were involved in more than 20 research projects (national and european FP7, H2020, Leonardo), among them we coordinated the H2020 European Project ROUTE-TO-PA, ( where we also played the role of the main developers of a collaborative environment to create open data Social Platform for Open Data SPOD (
Abstract:Our project falls within the realm of cascade dynamics in cost networks. Specifically, we focus on the problem of identifying the most influential set of nodes in a network while […]